Manager – management news

How to ensure your team reaches its full potential

Every manager wants to have a team of people they can trust, one that will achieve good results. Creating such a team requires shrewdness, the ability to detect…

Článek v rámci předplatného Five steps towards professional success

Success, a good career and material wealth. All those who have reached…

Inspirational quotes that will boost your motivation

Leadership and successful management of people is all about having the…

Five psychological tricks to persuade and motivate your employees

The ability to persuade others and get them "on your side" is essential in…

Článek v rámci předplatného Must a good presentation always be short?

We hear it everywhere: no matter what, keep presentations short and brief;…

Six bad habits you as a manager should immediately put a stop to

The modern age brings many risks and lifestyle diseases which, in…

Seven tips on dealing with stress that stems from being a manager

Stress can affect anybody: employees and their employers, small and larger…

Phrases to help you better motivate your team

Put in a nutshell, leadership is basically all about communication. A…

How to give up bad habits and learn discipline

Personal self-improvement and leadership go hand in hand. People who lack…

Článek v rámci předplatného Five tips on how to become an engaging speaker

When giving a presentation or public speech, it is not always easy to…

Three tips on preventing team members procrastinating

Even the most hard-working and experienced workers are not immune to a…

Ten steps to earn the respect of people around you

Do you want people to respect you? Do you want them to see you as a natural…

How can managers prevent their own burnout?

Being a manager has all the parameters of high-risk when it comes to…

Listing 573 to 585 out of 4126