Manager – management news

Článek v rámci předplatného Four tips on handling multiple projects at once

In an ideal world, a team manager or project manager should always have just one major project to deal with at a time. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal…

Five tips on effective time management of team meetings

Team meetings. Many employees (and team managers) are not great fans of…

How to help employees feel safe and secure in a crisis

The pandemic situation, uncertainty, changes in the system of work and…

Five tips from Elon Musk on being more productive

Elon Musk is a technological guru, hero of millennials, software…

How to support creativity in your team

Creativity and the ability to come up with new solutions are…

Článek v rámci předplatného "Impostor syndrome": what it is and how to combat it

Have you been promoted to a higher, managerial position but, instead of…

Leadership: seven signs of a good leader

Quality leadership, namely being able to lead others and use this ability…

Six basic principles of non-verbal communication every manager should know

As a team leader, you will have to speak in front of people. You will need…

Dealing with a team member who is a bully

As a manager, you will not always be dealing only with pleasant matters.…

Five tips on correctly setting goals for your team

We all know you cannot achieve success without defined, clearly stated and…

Principles of providing effective feedback

Providing feedback to employees you manage is one of the best tools for…

Five traits of an egoistic manager

Self-confidence and the ability to lead others: these are definitely…

Six things anyone who wants to lead must learn

Not everyone is a born leader. Some people do have an innate inclination to…

Listing 638 to 650 out of 4126