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Your query "Produktivita%20pr%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDce,%20psychologie%20a%20zdrav%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD" has returned 995 articles.

Parkinson's law: What it is and how it affects your productivity


Productivity and work efficiency can always use some improvement. If you are looking for a way to work more efficiently and better organise your day so as to be more productive, Parkinson's law is…

Quiet quitting: what it is and how to prevent it in your team


The term "quiet quitting" has been used quite often lately in professional texts and the media. It is a current trend concerning certain employees, mostly younger ones. What is it, why should you as…

How to take care of your own mental health – and set an example to your team


Mental health, wellbeing, work-life balance: these are topics to which people have recently been paying more attention (also in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic). Although team managers often…

Do your subordinates feel unappreciated? Tips on preventing this happening


In an effectively working team, the leader is the main decision maker and must show a certain authority; at the same time, however, they must also sufficiently engage regular team members and give…

Five tips on overcoming low self-esteem


It is not necessarily the case that only extroverted people with high self-esteem can be good managers. But it is true that low confidence represents a significant obstacle in a manager's path towards…

How to recognise a toxic environment dominates in your team


Toxic environment: a frequently used expression in the context of being both a major enemy of productivity and sustainability, and one of the most common reasons why people leave their jobs. It is an…

The 21-day rule: how to acquire and maintain a new habit


Breaking a bad habit or acquiring a new, positive one: these are keystones of personal development and any successful, long-term change in behaviour. How to acquire a new habit and maintain it in the…

What burnout looks like in a subordinate, and how to help them recover


Burnout syndrome is a problem that may affect any employee, especially one who provides services or looks after clients, namely customer service agents, hospitality employees, health care service…

Five exercises to help increase your self-control


Self-control is the ability to avoid succumbing to your emotions, make rational decisions at all times and have your own mental processes under control. It means behaving actively, not reactively. A…

Finally overcome procrastination thanks to these three tips


Probably all of us know what it is to be so overwhelmed with work that we do not want to do anything, and in the end we prefer to spend time doing literally anything else. Then, at the end of the day,…

Reaching success both in life and at work requires a change of attitude


Do you want to achieve success in life and at work but you sometimes lack motivation? Do you want to advance your career, be successful in the field of your choice and happy in your job? Here are five…

Do you lack self-confidence? Five tips on what to do about it


Even the best ever manager with amazing technical and communication skills can never achieve success and help their team reach its maximum potential if they lack the necessary self-confidence.…

Learn to handle acute stress and prevent burnout


In most cases, being in a management position causes stress. If there are too many of these stressful situations over a long period of time, or the affected person is unable to cope with stress in an…

Five habits to boost energy and help increase your productivity


Do you sometimes feel you lack energy? Do you want to increase your productivity, boost your energy and thus be better prepared to face the challenges you as a manager will definitely have to face?…

Three rules to help beat procrastination


Procrastination, namely the postponing of duties, avoiding work and succumbing to various distractions and leisure activities, is a disease of modern society. And no wonder. All of us are almost…

Listing 76 to 90 out of 995