Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The secret of indispensability

We are changing jobs more and more often. Many of us are also involved in more projects at the same…

Secrets of a successful presentation: is there anything you are forgetting?

Not everyone enjoys performing in public. On the contrary: many of us are happy to have any…

Study claims creativity is not the sole domain of younger students

Many representatives of older generations are often convinced that creativity is more the domain of…

Do you take things personally? Thanks to this strategy, you will unlearn it

Imagine, for example, that you worked hard on a project and are really proud of it, but the only…

Your IT team needs you more than ever at this time

During the pandemic everyone is dealing with how to support the psyche of employees working on home…

Securing promotion is not a science. But you need to know how to go about it

Gaining promotion is usually a long game which requires your active participation. You can't just…

Why shouldn't women be outstanding speakers?!

The great speakers that history remembers are mostly men. It's not that women have no worthwhile…

Learn to listen to people whose views you disagree with

Listening to others may not be the most interesting part of a conversation for everyone, but it is…

Study: Playfulness can be learnt and help companies increase innovation potential and improve employee well-being

Simple exercises can help people become more playful and gain greater satisfaction with their lives.

Listing 55 to 63 out of 478