Manager – management news

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Working remotely: overcoming the main challenges

A sudden shift to virtual collaboration may not be easy since not everyone is used to working remotely. How to address this issue? In order to make remote…

Crowdsourcing (2/2): The difference between the two types

The previous article described two distinctive branches of crowdsourcing.…

Gather more actionable feedback from your customers

The more you know about the wants and needs of your target audience, the…

Crowdsourcing (1/2): What is it actually about?

Crowdsourcing is currently a very popular application of the concept of…

A clear route to starting your business

In order to save you some brain capacity, here is a short guide on how to…

How healthcare will change (at least in the US)

Access to physical and virtual care will be more available in future.…

Achieve the maximum with your B2B newsletters

The key is to provide value in your newsletters. But how do you craft a…

Family firms (1/2): European family firms are good at institutionalisation

Most founders of a family business want to build a firm that will last for…

Virtual meetings: run them more effectively

Remote work is very much dependent on how well you can utilise virtual…

Use business analytics to your advantage

Business intelligence, useful as it is, does have some pitfalls. So take…

User onboarding: allow your app to make a stellar first impression

Onboarding of new users is a crucial stage in the user journey of every…

How team discussions influence decision making (1/2)

When we don’t know the answer to some question or we cannot solve a certain…

Breakthrough inventions: better chances with teams or solo inventors? (1/2)

Would you say that more breakthrough innovations are achieved by teams or…

Listing 53 to 65 out of 619