Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Two basic questions regarding any universal basic income experiment

A minimum income guaranteed by the government is a concept which is being widely discussed. In order to find sustainable answers to income inequality and other…

Typology of chief innovation officers (1/2)

Do you know that there are several different types of chief innovation…

How can a small business measure cybersecurity?

In order to know how well you are doing with regard to cybersecurity, you…

Breathe new life into old content

In order to maximise the effect of your blog posts (either on the company…

IT security: Do you also believe these misconceptions?

Don’t be a victim of some common misconceptions regarding IT security.

Personas: don’t turn a blind eye to customers’ needs

The creation of user personas should be taken seriously. The effort you put…

Why is online presenting difficult? (2/2) What to do

The previous article explained why presenting online is much more difficult…

Why is online presenting difficult? (1/2)

Are you intimidated by the idea of having to speak to a large audience? Now…

How to use content marketing the right way

Content creation requires patience, time and dedication. But if you succeed…

News from Uber: layoffs ahead

Recently Uber announced a new round of layoffs. Its numbers of people…

Customer experience (2/2): Checklist of ideas

The previous article described what customer experience is actually about…

Honest auditors under fire: how the audit market penalises them

A recent study by researchers from the University of Arkansas entitled Don’…

Most innovative countries in the world (2/2): Healthcare is the future

The previous article mentioned those countries which have made it into top…

Listing 79 to 91 out of 619