Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

E-commerce in 2020: What to expect?

Since online sales will grow, we should be interested in the trends we are likely to see during the forthcoming year.

Tips on how to stay productive when working from home

Do you sometimes work from home? Then you could probably make use of the…

Why you should base your purchasing on sound management science (2/2)

The previous article described how, if your competitor outperforms you in…

Why you should base your purchasing on sound management science (1/2)

Don’t let biases take control in your procurement department. That would be…

Influencer marketing: how to get started

Influencer marketing is a tool that can help you grow. However, it is still…

How best to hire for your digital initiatives (2/2)

The previous article showed that more than just technical skills are needed…

Content marketing: why is it so powerful?

If you want your business to succeed, start as soon as possible to create…

How best to hire for your digital initiatives (1/2)

In order to digitalise your operations, you need to find the right talents.…

Do your employees promote your company on social media?

Do you know what Dell, MasterCard and Starbucks, as well as some…

Conduct research in order to have outstanding content

Particularly in the B2B sphere, original research should form the basis of…

Collaboration with influencers: the basics

Are you thinking about tapping into influencer marketing? In order to…

Collective intelligence (1/2): On human thinking

Human thinking is conscious and wilful. On the other hand, might not…

Typology of chief innovation officers (2/2)

The previous article described how innovation-focused top managers are by…

Listing 66 to 78 out of 619