Manager – management news

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Communication is key: how to have better conversations (not just) with your team

Leadership is largely about daily communication, which is why the best managers are often those with the best communication skills. While professional articles tend…

Five tips for young managers

Young managers may worry that they lack the experience or authority to gain…

What managers fear most – and how to overcome it

Managers are also human beings and they have their fears. Whether or not…

Five questions leaders should ask their team when seeking solutions

Two heads are better than one and every good team leader knows it. A…

Basics of providing feedback as team managers

Feedback is a foundation for staff development, setting clear expectations,…

Five tips for building a positive attitude toward change in your team

As technology is constantly evolving, so too are the expectations of…

Key principles for the successful implementation of mentoring in your team

Mentoring is a structured form of internal knowledge sharing and training.…

Building mental resilience: five tips

Team leaders and managers often face a lot of mental pressure and a furious…

The quarter-life crisis: what it is, recognising it in employees and dealing with It

We are all familiar with the concept of a midlife crisis, typically…

Reluctant leadership: what it is and how to apply its principles in management

A successful leader is often regarded as energetic, assertive, quick to…

Four simple tricks to help you be more productive in 2025

New year, new beginnings. If one of your New Year's resolutions is that you…

The art of saying no: the importance of setting boundaries for career success

You have probably noticed in your professional life that truly successful…

Signs you are not communicating well with your team

Since people management is largely about interpersonal communication, it is…

Listing 1 to 13 out of 3325