A few tips on strengthening staff morale during a pandemic

This may be a triviality that seems completely obvious to you but this is not always the case. Be inspired by a few tips.


Refreshments during the day

If you work in virtual teams or seldom meet in the office, it is good to strengthen mutual relations even informally during a busy working day. A morning delivery of, for example, coffee and cake to people working from home, or boxes of fresh fruit to the office will encourage staff to work together and relieve some of the pressure they have had to deal with lately.

Keep moving

When we slow down, our energy levels drop; we relax and deprive ourselves of much-needed endorphins that help us feel good. Therefore, encourage staff regularly to leave their computer and move around as much as possible. You can also do this in the form of a team challenge, where employees share the activities they do during the break.

We are all in this together

Transparency and communication of the company's vision and goals until 2021 are key. Morale will be strengthened if employees see how their actions can contribute to the bigger picture. Listen to employees because then they will see their opinions do matter. Furthermore, to make people feel valued, it is important you take the time to show appreciation, call them by name and thank them personally. Encourage teams also to inform you about any successes of their co-workers.

Get advice from the team

Invite teams to share their ideas for morale-raising activities. From book clubs to various quizzes, online games or informal virtual meetings over a beer: you may be surprised at how creative your employees can be if they involve their own interests.

Define working hours

Introduce regular work breaks or a shortened work week that will allow employees to escape from work mentally and focus on their needs and interests. You will see how this approach is reflected in productivity.

Be personal

Reward the team occasionally with various personal gifts or packages. It need not be anything expensive; think more about their effectiveness. For example, a new pair of Bluetooth headsets for employees to increase efficiency in working from home could really come in handy.

Offer support

Offer employees a confidential place or a person to turn to if they have certain problems. For instance, provide a corporate psychologist and communicate this possibility to staff so they are not afraid to use it.


Article source Management Today - website of a UK management magazine
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