Be productive while you wait

Most people will know what life is like if you get caught up in what seems like an endless cycle of meetings. You feel as if you have no time for anything else; meanwhile, though, nothing is getting crossed off your to-do list. One way out of this bind is to make maximum use of the time spent just waiting for a meeting actually to begin.


The following list of a dozen suggestions on how to effectively use the short time periods between meetings was published at

2 minutes to spare


  • Take a quick time-out. Stretch your legs, get some refreshment or visit the bathroom.

  • Clean up your laptop. This will save both battery power and your own time later.

  • Chat to co-workers. If you notice someone else just waiting around like you, initiate a conversation with them.

  • Skim through any advance information you were sent concerning the agenda and have a last-minute look at your own preparatory notes – especially if you are scheduled to speak at the meeting.


5 minutes to spare


  • Deal with a pressing e-mail which can be answered in a few brief sentences.

  • Sort out something from your personal schedule, such as texting a friend or arranging an appointment.

  • Glance at your social media for any updates.

  • Make a colleague smile by e-mailing them an amusing link.


10 minutes to spare


  • Read an interesting article you have previously bookmarked and save any related links it contains for another time.

  • Prepare a rough draft of a written task to be completed later.

  • Tidy up some of the clutter on your desk.

  • Meditate so that you will feel refreshed and have a clear mind when the meeting does actually begin.



Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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