Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Is your business next to be hit by digital disruption?

During the last ten years, one industry after another has been disrupted by digital technologies.…

Investment that pays off: Getting rid of digital distractions (2/2)

The previous article explained why even the smallest interruptions are bad. We also learnt why many…

Investment that pays off: Getting rid of digital distractions (1/2)

Say youre working at your computer with your smartphone on the desk. The phone gives a sound alert…

Technology, influence and young workers: Connecting the dots (2/2)

In the previous article, based on material published on the mckinsey.com website, we explored some…

Technology, influence and young workers: Connecting the dots (1/2)

An increasingly advanced technological and digital landscape (especially mobile connectivity and…

Don't be a slave to your smart phone

Just take a look around when walking down the street or travelling by public transport and you will…

Information and communication technologies in Czech companies in 2015

Nearly three-quarters of companies in the Czech Republic have their corporate computer networks. 98%…

Trends in project management for 2016

What can we expect in the project management industry this year? According to the Project Times…

New technology game changers: Place your bets right

Can we separate the wheat from the chaff and predict which new inventions will revolutionize our…

Listing 46 to 54 out of 71