Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Chronic stress: how managers can get rid of it

Stress is a chronic disease of the 21st century, one which also triggers numerous other modern…

Without discipline, you can never succeed: tips on building self-discipline

No matter what your long-term plans are (related to either your career or personal life), there is…

Artificial intelligence: five ways managers can use it to simplify their daily work

Artificial intelligence has been a topic of constant discussion for at least the last two years.…

Three good reasons not to give subordinates total freedom

Developing subordinates and giving them the space to work independently and creatively on their own…

Five daily mental exercises to train your memory

Do you seem to forget things a lot? Would you need a better memory? In this day and age, when we can…

How can you tell if you are a natural leader?

Most people have to learn how to be a good leader; however, a select few are born with management…

How to manage conflict in your team in four steps

Minor or major conflicts are unavoidable in any team. Even if your team is made up of only…

A few simple things to show subordinates you truly value them

Few things boost employee loyalty and satisfaction like the feeling their supervisor truly and…

Poor leadership: why it is the most common reason employees leave

Poor leadership from a supervisor tops the list of reasons why employees most often quit. What are…

Listing 1 to 9 out of 3209