Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Are you an excellent boss?

Do you want to know whether you are an extraordinary boss or whether you are one of those who are just good? We prepared for you a well-arranged table with the…

How do you know that your best employee wants to leave?

As a team manager, you certainly don't want to come to work one day and…

7 managers' excuses for not delegating

Managers are able to find a surprising number of reasons why they are not…

Seizing your colleague's desk and other tips how to get rid of pointless meetings

Are you also terrified before every meeting, considering most of them waste…

Good manager is a man of many professions

Why is it still so hard to find good managers? This question was recently…

Specifics of managing creative people

Creative people are often moody and arrogant. However, if you hire and…

Tips to retain your best sales representatives

Successful sales representatives have been continuously prepared to face…

How to manage introverts

While extroverts actively raise discussions about problems, introverts…

Be a coach rather than a babysitter for your salespeople

Many managers of sales teams think they can sell better than their…

Looking for a mentor? Look around yourself

A mentor is a person who should help you with the definition and…

What drives your subordinates crazy?

Even otherwise good managers sometimes behave in a way that drives their…

Do you really want to be a manager?

Are you thinking about whether to choose a job of a manager as the next…

How to recognize a poorly hired sales representative?

Each manager of a sales team is mainly interested in whether his…

Listing 2770 to 2782 out of 3204