Leadership: Where to begin?


To be a leader you do not need the word "leader" in the title of your job. What you need is to learn certain behaviors which will enable you to lead others regardless of your actual profession. How can you become a leader? Start with following steps recommended by Careerealism.com.

1. Be Responsible

Accept personal responsibility for all tasks and projects you are engaged in. Even learn to take responsibility for your failures by admitting your mistakes and learning from them.

2. Do not choose solutions that only benefit you

Be careful not to manipulate others or put them in unfavorable positions. Be a positive role model and inspire others to find win-win solutions.

3. Keep trying new things

Do what you believe in and do not be afraid to take risks. You may, for example, volunteer to take charge of a project nobody wants to lead. Take a risk and do not worry about making a fool of yourself.

4. Turn your words into actions

There are many people who talk but do nothing. Start by writing down all the ideas that could be beneficial. Then, use your written ideas to develop action plans.

5. Look for opportunities

Opportunities to demonstrate your leadership skills are all around you. Look, for example, for the projects nobody wants to take charge of.

6. Welcome criticism

A strong leader can take actions based on feedback he gains from his surroundings. He is able to accept the fact that there are smarter and more experienced people who can help him improve.

7. Talk about your ideas, thoughts and plans

Do not worry that you will expose your vulnerability. On the contrary, you will encourage discussion and the creation of new ideas. The more you give, the more you will get back.


Article source Careerealism.com - career and job search blog
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