Low engagement: How to improve it


Is engagement one of your company‘s strong points or maybe your employees are not as engaged as they could be? The tlnt.com website published a list of behaviors that are common among fatigued employees paired with possible sources of their undesirable state and ways to improve. The fact is that appreciation is one of the most effective ways of building long-term engagement among your staff.

1. Uninspired employees

They are not motivated and they have no drive. They don’t see their work as meaningful. By recognizing and appreciating them they can see their contributions to the whole company. Let  them feel a part of your core values. Give them some inspiration and a sense of greater purpose by making them feel that they are a valued part of the whole firm. This may improve their attitude and increase their level of engagement.

2. Checked-out employees

They usually have been with the firm a rather long time. But Years of Service and Long Service awards change nothing about their low level of motivation. Why don't these awards motivate them? Because for the recognition to be more meaningful, it has to include feedback from their colleagues and their supervisors. This is the reason why the modern approach to such anniversaries involves the participation of others.

3. Negative employees

They simply decrease  the level of happiness of everybody around them. You want these negative influencers to feel better.  The best way, again, is to recognize them for acting in line with core values, because that is a key factor to happiness at work.

4. Under-appreciated employees

They know that the only recognition comes at the annual company event, so why would they bother working hard for the other 11 months of year? Their hard work will not be remembered anyway. Tremendous improvements were reported when “thank you“ was given in a specific and timely way.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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