Forget about forgetting


"I wanted to do it, but I forgot." That i sthe second most stupid excuse for poor time management just after: "I do not have time." If you are familiar with these statements, you should manage your time better. HR Communication advises how to avoid forgetting and start to better manage your tasks.

1. Set an alarm

You surley have it on your phone, so why not use it? It's the easiest way to stop forgeting.

2. Use a calendar

Many people underestimate them but calendars in fact help to remember not only your meetings but also other important things to do. In addition, they help you directly schedule specific periods of time.

3. Write your to-do list

And do not report just big tasks that you would equally not forget. Place special emphasis on small task.

4. Set up alerts

Reminders that can be set on your cell phone or computer are very useful for individual as well as regular activities. For the iPhone, for exapmle, there are many simple applications.

5. If you do not want to forget something, do it now

As far as small tasks that take only a few seconds or minutes, there is no reason to procrastinate. Then you will not need to think about planning them any more.

6. Ask someone to remind you

Just aks your family members, friends or colleagues. Childrem are also very effective in reminding.

7. Automate everything possible

To avoid forgetting, you can also automate all possible tasks that will then take place without your further intervention. Typical example is paying bills.

8. Learn not to say yes immediately

If you agree with everything right away, you will soon forget what you should actually do. A better tactic is therefore to say no first. If you are overloaded by your work, you would only disappoint others by your failure to meet the task.

9. Delegate

Delegate tasks that can be done by someone else. Remember, however, that you delegate only the task, not your responsibility for completing the task.

10. Use your to-do list

When you write your tasks, actively work with the list.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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