Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Breakthrough customer experience: It is not about small steps (2/3)

In the last article, we saw how important it is to thoroughly observe customers, their habits, their…

Chief Digital Officers: What is their role? (2/2)

Customer-centric mindset can be effectively promoted by CDOs. Sending e-mails containing customer…

Chief Digital Officers: About the role (1/2)

Digital is an integral part of strategy. Digital is a new way of doing things. You do not need to…

Find a new team member on social networks

Social media recruitment saves money. That is why you, as a manager who is looking for a new…

Why digital technology should interest every manager

Changes brought about by massive digital transformation are so important that firms have to deal…

Study: Tech-ready states in 2015

This year's leader of the ICT revolution is Singapore, which has a comprehensive digital strategy at…

Writing effective subject line: Fast tips

Dont start a sentence that must be continued into the body of the email. The recipient needs to open…

Managing technical support: From phones and chat to knowledgebase

Self-service technical support is financially favorable for companies and when compared to…

The unwritten rules of using LinkedIn

With its more than 313 million users, the LinkedIn social network has become one of the most…

Listing 136 to 144 out of 154