Manager – management news

Three bad managerial habits to avoid in 2024

The new year is an opportunity to think about the year that has just ended and make resolutions for the one ahead. By way of inspiration this article will describe…

Calm and composure: powerful weapons of any leader

A successful team leader is someone who can inspire and motivate…

Článek v rámci předplatného Three most common methods of project management: their pros and cons

Today's article will look at the three most common and most used methods of…

How to resolve even emotionally heated negotiations in three steps

A manager has to be something of both a psychologist and a police…

Článek v rámci předplatného Achieving career success in five steps

No matter what your exact career goals and priorities are, and what you…

Five common mistakes in managing people remotely

The Covid experience gave rise to a new phenomenon: remote working. Today,…

Your work is not your life: the importance of not taking work too personally

Work provides us with more than just money: it offers a sense of…

Five communication tricks of the best leaders

You can never be a truly successful and inspiring leader without being able…

Learn finally to set up your goals so that you truly achieve them

If you have ever read any tips on productivity, career success and work…

Change management: what it is and how a manager can lead a team through change

Change is life. It is also an everyday reality in any company. So-called…

How to handle acute stress or anxiety in four steps

Acute stress, anxiety and fear: these are intense reactions of the body to…

Three strategies of effective leadership according to a former astronaut

Cady Coleman is an American chemist, engineer, member of the military and…

Increase your team's productivity quickly

Wondering how to increase your team's productivity? Here are some tips on…

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