Tips on increasing your team's productivity

Is your team seeing a drop in productivity? Do you want them to improve their results, work more efficiently and increase their overall productivity? Try the following methods that will help you better use the team's potential.


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Set clear goals

A frequent problem with unproductive teams is that its members do not actually know what is expected of them, what the targets are, and what priorities they should focus on. Set clear goals for your team, convey a common vision to them, and help them devise a plan to reach these goals.

Talk to individual employees

Find out whether there are any hidden problems in your team you do not know about. It may be dissatisfaction with company management, bullying, uncertainty regarding the outlook of the team or the company, etc. Talk to individual employees, and find out whether there is something hidden beneath the surface.

Be a role model to your team

If you want your team to do something, you should not just tell them so and issue orders. You have to set an example by maintaining the same principles you expect from your team, showing your subordinates that you are a proper part of the group as a whole.

Support more precise and targeted planning of activities

Help your team to plan better. A drop in productivity is often connected with insufficient or inaccurate planning. Teach subordinates to plan activities for each day, so they learn to focus properly on priority tasks.

Make an audit of processes within your team

Find out how your team is doing in terms of communication, project management and overall organisation. If necessary, introduce changes that will improve the situation in the long run.


Article source Project Times - a US website and community focused on project management
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