Manager – management news

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Can you manage difficult conversations with employees?

Difficult conversations with employees you have to dismiss, reprimand for inappropriate behaviour or deprive of their rewards are never simple. That is true even…

How to prevent negativity in the team

Managing people with a negative attitude is a challenge for managers and…

How not to burnout when working on a project

A burnout occurs when someone works beyond the limits of his physical and…

E-mail and emotions don't go together

Next time you will want to express your frustration or irony in writing or…

10 rules of negative feedback

Negative feedback should be provided in a way that would not demotivate the…

Find your own style of assertiveness

If you are a shy and reserved personality, you have probably noticed how…

Good leaders build trust

In recent years, we have often read about how trust in the workplace is…

Find your simple ritual to relieve stress

Everyone should find their own way of relieving stress. But including an…

Everything you need to know about feedback

We do not live in isolation. All the events we encounter are taking place…

The basic pillars of leadership

Today, when more and more people doubt the value of their leaders despite…

How to prevent bullying in your team

Bullying in the workplace thrive in overly bureaucratic, highly competitive…

Say "NO!" without regrets

Time management is all about deciding what to do and what not to do. It is,…

Why are employees leaving you?

Unnecessary managerial errors lead to the departure of even the most loyal…

Listing 2939 to 2951 out of 3204