How do managers put obstacles in their own way?


Even good leaders can sometimes slip off to a behavior that could destroy the further successful development of their careers. What behavior is it? Read the following warnings and think whether you should change your behavior in the workplace.

1. Poor interpersonal communication

Communication skills and the ability to deal with people are the basic prerequisites for advancement to senior management positions. Technical knowledge is sufficient only to a certain level.

2. Excessive control and inability to delegate

Managers achieve success through people. If they want to do everything themselves and follow every step of their subordinates, they will not reach success.

3. Unconformity

Managers must be able to accept changes. If they do not understand the developments in their field, they are preparing their companies of the opportunity to achieve better results.

4. Lack of transparency

Managers should deal openly and honestly with the people around them. People need to know why and how important decisions are created.

5. Inability to think strategically

The volume of daily work can tempt managers to neglect strategic objectives. A successful career progress, however, needs continuous monitoring of the wider context of their work, anticipating problems and opportunities according to a specific strategy.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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