Make way for the best


Managers are often overloaded with everyday problems and they do not have time to develop their own ideas. So you have to liberate yourself from the overwhelming aspects and delegate part of your responsibility to your team. Choose people who are reliable, independent and great in what they do. They will be your "front line". It is easier said than done to make this "front line". Take inspiration from the advice which published in

1) Give the best members of your team freedom

Most teams are comprised of people who give excellent results, 10 percent; people who follow them, 80 percent and the  remaining 10 percent do not perform very well. Do not be afraid to remove obstacles which stand in the way of your best teams members, instead, invest in them.  This approach is more effective than concentrating on the 10 percent of poorly performing members. By giving the best members a chance to show off, the remaining part of your team will be inspired by them.

2) Remove obstacles

The solution is not just to transfer your problems to your team. Try to identify and remove daily obstacles which slow down and stand in the way, not just to your success, but also obstacles which stand in the way of your team. Members of your team should not feel frustrated, but motivated. Strengthen their trust and self-confidence with success. Pay attention to identifying problems and  correct them.

3) Meet every day

Meet with you team every day and summarize what went well, inform them about future expectations. In return, your team should have the opportunity to communicate their opinions, possible solutions and improvements. If your team is actively involved, it will be reflected in in their sense of responsibility and in the final results.


Article source Sales & Marketing Management - a US website for salespeople and marketers
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