Is music better than silence?


Is listening to music at work beneficial or not? Everybody has probably asked this question and everybody answers it differently at his workplace. Some people say that music helps them to think better, others see it as a disturbing element. We will probably agree on the fact that it depends on the nature of the work, the type of music as well as personal preferences of individuals. And what does science say? There is a huge number of studies dealing with music at work. Main findings from these studies were summarized by Joanne Cantor, expert on productivity and stress reduction and professor emeritus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in her article on the Psychology Today website.

1. Music helps to increase productivity in routine tasks

Production lines are a typical example. Employees working on the lines are repeating the same tasks over and over again and their attention declines gradually. Positive music without lyrics proved to be the best.

2. Music increases motivation before tasks that are demanding in terms of thinking and creativity

Such tasks turn out better when employees listen to a faster music without lyrics or to songs they like before performing the tasks.

3. Music helps to focus on thinking

However, it must be a quieter and slower music without much rhythmic and tonal variations. Then we can achieve better performance and be less stressed than when the room is completely silent.

4. Popular music prevents from performing complex tasks

A typical popular music with lyrics steals our attention when we are processing information. The results of our work will than look as if we were doing more things at once.

Joanne Cantor therefore recommends:

  1. When performing routine tasks, take the advantage of optimistic music to enhance your energy and attention.

  2. Before performing tasks that are demanding in terms of thinking and creativity, take the advantage of the music that motivates you. You can also listen to such music during breaks.

  3. When performing tasks requiring a lot of information processing, take the advantage of relaxing music in the background.

  4. When performing complex tasks and solving problems, don't listen to music with lyrics. You can listen to it during breaks to boost your energy.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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