Five traits of successful people

We all have different definitions of success. For some people, it is money, for others leisure time, while still others may see it in terms of sporting performance. But no matter how you define it, one thing is certain: success cannot be achieved without determination, focused performance and long-term, hard work. Whatever your goals, here are five qualities that will make their achievement easier, ones which are shared by people who have achieved success.


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Long-term focus on one thing

Successful people are characterised by patience and perseverance. They do not jump from one branch to another. They select one thing (ideally something they enjoy and are good at) and focus on it long term.

Expertise in a particular field

Those who have achieved success usually had to start doing something a little differently to others. They had to come up with a new solution or a fresh perspective. None of this would have been possible without their being an expert in the field in question.

Willingness to learn and change opinions and approaches

Just as important as persistence is a willingness continuously to learn and take on new ideas. A certain openness to new approaches and opinions is common to all successful people. If you become stuck in the status quo and are unwilling to change your views, you will, as it were, miss the boat.

Positive attitude

Successful people generally know how to derive benefit from any situation, including negative ones. How do they do this? By maintaining a positive attitude: instead of falling into despair, they try to find an opportunity in every situation and use it to their advantage.

Willingness and ability to communicate effectively and establish interpersonal relationships

No one can achieve long-term success alone. That is why successful people are masters of communication and interpersonal relationships. They know that only the support of a strong network of contacts will help them achieve their goals.



Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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