Do not be a toxic boss: telltale signs that show you are one

A toxic team leader not only makes the life of team members much harder, but also kills the efficiency and potential of the team as a whole. Unfortunately, many managers do not even realise (or care) how their behaviour is creating a toxic environment. Since identification of the problem and admitting it are the first steps towards its solution, this article describes the signs that would indicate you are a toxic manager.


You do not listen

As The Muse states, a toxic manager does not listen to their subordinates. They ignore their opinions and do not adjust their behaviour according to the feelings and needs of their employees.

You practise micromanagement

Micromanagement of employees is one of the most serious offences of a toxic manager. By watching their subordinates' every step, the manager kills the potential of the whole team and frustrates employees.

You support unhealthy competition among employees

Motivating employees to do their best is one of the main tasks of a manager but it should always be done in a positive way. A manager should never create an unhealthily competitive environment, nor turn employees against one another.

You have unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectations and overambitious plans have only one effect: frustration of employees and their subsequent burnout. Keep expectations realistic and avoid stressing subordinates unnecessarily with unreasonable demands.



Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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