Always on the rise: Do not lose enthusiasm for building your career


Young people fresh out of school are often the most ambitious workers when they hit the labour market with all the zeal necessary for building a progressive career. However, as the years pass, bringing families, children, occasional disappointments at work and increasing age, many of these young enthusiasts lose their passion and their interest in climbing the career ladder fades. Last month, the All Business server published an article with advice for workers on how not to lose all sight of your career goals.

Learn, learn, learn

The loss of motivation to work on one's career is usually accompanied by a lack of willingness to learn new things – either as a result or as a cause. If you stop developing and do not keep track of new trends and how they might be used in your work, your career advancement stops. Those who progress in their career throughout their lives are always open to new possibilities, interested in current developments and news and always willing to listen to other people's advice.

Hard work

You may have the impression that some high-ranking employees around you somehow found a shortcut to get where they are and that they got there pretty easily. The truth is, however, that any career advancement requires hard work.


Being enthusiastic about your work is a basic prerequisite of further development. If you are unhappy in your job or do not enjoy it, it is your own fault, not the profession's. Even selling newspapers on the street can be done with enthusiasm: you simply need to adjust the work so you enjoy it. It is all about attitude.

Focus on the future

The work ethic and enthusiasm are often dependent on how the employee is able to plan for the future. If you live in the present, any minor obstacle or unpleasant activity can bring stress and aversion. However, if you set reachable goals and stick to them, you will find it much easier to overcome the everyday hardships which come with any kind of work. Set small as well as big goals, determine when you will reach them and then do everything possible to stick to the schedule.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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