5 tips to liven up your presentations

Have you ever wondered how to make your presentations or meetings more engaging? Here is a further list of suggestions that will turn you into a rather more popular presenter, as formulated by the presentationmagazine.com website.


1) Frequency beats length

It is better to communicate in smaller amounts but more frequently. Shorter presentations and meetings are usually better and more enjoyable than long ones.

2) Waste no time

Accept the premise that everyone attending your presentation is the busiest person in the city. Your hard-working audience certainly does not have much time to spare, so don’t waste their time in any way.

3) Time for questions

The majority of people speak far too much. Be different: start by asking. You will thus make your audience feel involved and engaged. Another reason for asking questions is that by showing interest you will make the audience more interested in what you have to say. And both you and your audience will save time because you will know more about them and their needs.

4) Don’t think about what to say next

If you decide to take the previous tip seriously, you should not be formulating your next sentence while a member of the audience is answering your question. At that moment, just listen: that is the best thing you can do. Devote full attention to the person speaking; they will perceive that you really do care. Everyone appreciates such attention and focus. Your quiet attention in itself already communicates something important about you.

5) Remember: communication is more than just words

Your appearance, body language and tone are also channels for communication. Use them to send out the right signals even before you start speaking. Everything must be aligned in order for you to communicate effectively and persuasively.


Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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