Ten relible ways to waste your working time


1. Work hard on something unimportant

Spend most of your working time on activities having only a minimal effect on what drives your business. Deal with urgent issues that are not essential and revise your decisions made yesterday.

2. Do it all yourself

Do not delegate the things you are not good at to the real experts. Do everything yourself and hope that you will achieve the same results.

3. Make yourself look smart

Defer your decisions until you can get more useless information. Talk about things you deal with but never reach the core of the problem. Constantly repeat what has already been said. Make already complicated things even more compicated.

4. Include everybody into everything

Collect opinions from as many people as possible even if all of them say the same thing. Involve people who know nothing sbout the issue you are dealing with into your decision-making and follow their recommendations. Spend your precious time connecting people with tasks that are not related to them or they can not contribute.

5. Focus on process, not results

Do not want to fulfill the task ahead of you. Invest all your energy in trying to follow a process.

6. Be a perfectionist

Always do everything a hundred percent even if it is not important. Look for ways to deliver a perfect job and be unable to deliver on time due to your perfectionism.

7. Reinvent the wheel

Everything has to be your idea and work as you want. Invest your energy into creating something that already exists and works well.

8. Check your e-mail the whole day

Log in right in the morning and send e-mails all day. Immediately respond to incoming e-mails even though they are not important and you are currently working on significant tasks. If you do not have a computer, constantly check e-mail on your phone. Send e-mails in the cases that would be more efficiently solved over the phone or face-to-face in the next office.

9. Do a work already done by someone else

Instead of concentrating on your own work, do the work for someone else or work on the same thing that he/she is working on to show that you know how to do it as well.

10. Do everything you can think of

Involve in everything you think is an interesting idea, without prioritising what can have the greatest impact on the performance of your business. Divide your working day in hundred short periods of time and devote a few minutes to each of the ideas you've heard.


Article source Recruiter.co.uk - the principal magazine for the UK recruitment profession
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