Nine characteristics of highly effective project managers (1/2)

If you want to be an outstanding project manager, you have to become a strategic partner whose work is fully entwined with the success of the organisation. Here are some suggestions on how to differentiate yourself from others in a similar position.


Become a strategic business partner

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, considerably complex issues, both internal and external, have begun to emerge that may adversely affect projects of all types. These include different results (economic, ecological and social), legal and legislative restrictions, problems with distance projects, international and cultural factors, etc.

If you do not understand well how your project fits into the overall strategic goals of the company, you significantly reduce your chances of achieving effective results. And that needs to change.

Focus on stakeholders

The pandemic may make it difficult to focus on the needs of stakeholders and separate these from personal and family matters. But outstanding project managers can always provide the best work performance, regardless of personal prejudice or needs. Companies in the profession of project management rely on this level of focus.

Respect others

The merits of others strongly influence the effectiveness of the project leader on his team. Highly effective project managers share the credit for a job well done and encourage all members to become involved. Instead of trying yourself to be the driving force behind all projects, use the knowledge and skills of others in the team. This simple but effective tactic will greatly increase the likelihood of achieving goals.

Be a skilled motivator

The ability of the project manager to communicate with and influence various stakeholders is crucial for the success of the project. After all, you need to find ways to motivate employees who are not yet directly influenced and who can make or break a project. Building trust in the minds of stakeholders is essential, especially if changes in the scope of the project need to be discussed with them. Respecting team members and stakeholders also means being able to show them that respect. It is almost impossible for projects to move in the right direction and on time without respect and motivation.

Indulge in success

Highly effective project managers believe in their work and envisage the end of the project. This thinking helps to achieve the best results while the project is still ongoing. Be fully involved in all professional aspects of the project and keep track of people. The key to achieving results is commitment, resilience and the ability to maintain a high level of client and team satisfaction.


Article source - Internetové stránky časopisu CIO pro vedoucí pracovníky v oboru informačních technologií
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Nine characteristics of highly effective project managers (1/2)


Nine characteristics of highly effective project managers (2/2)