Five tips to prevent small tasks disrupting your whole day

A challenging task awaits you, for which you would like to set aside a whole day. You don't want to be disturbed; you already have a concept in mind. Suddenly your eyes rest on the clock on the wall and it has obviously stopped. Okay, so just replace the battery. Now where's the spare ...? Even such minor tasks as this can disrupt your plans.


Any distraction, even a minor one, can throw you completely off course. Without discipline, small tasks will multiply and you will easily lose a few hours from your most productive part of the day. Just try to recall how many times you only wanted to look at a single e-mail but then started dealing with another message that caught your attention. Minor tasks are not always as small as they first seem.

So how do you prevent these little distractions from taking up all your time? Here are five tips.

Put important things first

The priority of your work is key. You can't do everything in one day, so make sure you do the critical work and tasks first, then get down to less urgent business. Even during a busy working day, you can replace demanding mental activity during breaks with small tasks, during which, on the contrary, you can mentally rest (for example, changing the battery in a clock).

There is no such thing as multitasking

It may sound impressive if someone is said to be able to handle multiple tasks at once, but it's not practical. It rarely happens that they will complete all tasks or perform them to the required standard. Stick to one task and work on it until you finish it.

Stick to your list

Do you have a to-do list that tracks your work? So stick with it! This is the only way you can stay "on track" without deviating from the original plan. You will thus be able to solve tasks faster than if you let your attention wander, after which it will be difficult for you to recover your concentration.

Out of sight, out of mind

Keeping the workplace visually clean helps prevent the mind from wandering or being distracted by various objects lying around. Keep only the tools and materials you really need for the current task you are working on.

Remove distractions

Another excellent way to prevent any disturbances is to turn off your phone, listen to music suitable for concentration, or move to an area the wifi signal does not reach where you will have peace and quiet. These are small details, but they really do work.

Stick to the big tasks you need to do. Once you have finished these, the little ones will still be waiting.


Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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