Five reasons to upgrade your workforce management technology now

Businesses need to start looking to the future of their staff management and rethink how their current systems and processes will work in the new normal. Here are five key areas where you might seek improvements.


Health and safety of employees

Workforce management software gives you the ability to better manage the health and safety of your employees. Use up-to-date tools and solutions to ensure optimal placement and rotation that take into account health and safety requirements, procedures and regulations. The system will automatically tell you who works where and when, with whom the team members were in contact, whether they isolated themselves and when it will be safe for them to return to work. With a few clicks, you get all the information you need to answer these key questions to ensure the health and safety of your team.

Workforce planning and optimisation

The pandemic has reinforced the importance of flexible and prompt workforce management planning and the need for accurate real-time information. It is extremely difficult to manage your workforce effectively without detailed information on employee time, attendance, absences, activities, skills and planning. Therefore, employers now need to find ways to optimise and plan for different levels of demand and environmental conditions. A good workforce management system can automate many of these processes for you.

System for managing various forms of work

Even before the pandemic, employers were aware of the benefits of introducing flexible teleworking options, including increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and attracting and retaining talent. A good system will provide you with a fully automated way of recording hours worked as well as managing planned and unplanned absences. Employees can record attendance on a computer, tablet or mobile phone through either hourly or honest e-mail worksheets. No need for spreadsheets and no manual processes: save time, eliminate errors and reduce administrative burdens.

Employee involvement

The most successful organisations are those that give their employees greater control over their working lives. In this way, they support a culture of committed and motivated staff who are happier, more loyal and more productive. Using self-service software for mobile devices, desktops or laptops, employees can easily organise and manage their own time, attendance, schedules, calendar year holidays, absences and personal information. This in turn reduces queries, calls and e-mails to line managers, human resources and wages department.

Planning for the future

Once the current situation has calmed down, new business priorities will mean teams may need to be restructured and workforce procedures and policies updated to reflect new ways of working. To do this, you will need reliable workforce data to help you evaluate budgets and costs. A workforce management system that can provide information on labour costs and productivity will be critical to the success of your organisation.


The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work. No one can predict what the future holds but with the right workforce management systems, you will be better prepared to face the challenges.



Article source Management Today - website of a UK management magazine
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