Learn to handle acute stress and prevent burnout

In most cases, being in a management position causes stress. If there are too many of these stressful situations over a long period of time, or the affected person is unable to cope with stress in an effective manner, the situation may lead to reduced productivity, health issues and even to burnout. It is therefore crucial for any manager to learn to cope with acute stress and psychologically challenging situations. This article offers three tips on handling stress better and thus preventing possible burnout.


Separating work and personal life

First of all, according to PsychCentral.com, you must learn to separate work and personal life. This might be difficult especially in situations that are extremely challenging mentally and occupy the mind of the given person even outside their work. Set up clear boundaries and do not take work home with you, especially during a stressful time.

Relaxation, interests and hobbies

Though it might seem you simply do not have time for such things, you need to try and relax regularly and engage in your own interests and pastimes. Do not neglect your hobbies and relax actively on a regular basis. Paradoxically, this is extremely important at times when you are facing challenges at work.

Change of the system

Immediately after handling an extremely stressful situation, evaluate how you might change the set up of the system so as to avoid similar issues in future. You might, for instance, alter your priorities, hand over part of your work agenda to a colleague or subordinate, or reorganise the process so you are not the only one handling the situation and the pressure is split among more people. Learn to change processes in a systemic way so you prevent various types of difficult situations from occurring.



Article source Psych Central - the Internet’s largest and oldest website focused on mental health
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