Be grateful for bad employees

Your team was working very well and you were a great manager until the arrival of a problematic employee. He comes late to meetings with clients, does not pay attention at staff meetings, is rude to colleagues and makes it clear that certain tasks are beneath his level even if objectively he can't cope with them. Other members of the team and some clients start asking what you plan to do before things turn even worse. So what are you going to do?


The simplest solution is to fire the problematic employee right away but first you might try using the situation as an opportunity to improve your management skills. Maybe it's not all his fault and, making you angry aside, he also offers many learning opportunities that unproblematic individuals never would. highlighted the following points.

You will learn to communicate better

Problematic employees will force you to communicate feedback quickly and accurately to help them improve.

You will learn to articulate precisely what you want

Many problems arise due to employees not understanding your requirements. Therefore, it is necessary not only to formulate clearly what you want them to do but also to make sure they understand.

You will make it clear how your team culture should look

Your team needs a unified approach to clients and one another. It's up to you to show clearly what culture you want and what behaviour is unacceptable.

You will earn the trust of your team and clients

People around you will notice very soon that you are not doing anything to solve the problematic employee situation. If you want to resolve matters and gain their trust, they have to see you looking for the causes of the problem, proposing solutions, watching whether the employee fulfils what you agreed on and saying goodbye to him if he does not.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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