Manager – management news

3 signs of a time management problem – and what to do about it

Being able to manage our time is one of the most important skills to have. Most people dont give enough importance to time, until their problem becomes chronic and…

Set goals like a pro: 4 key things to consider

1. What? What do you want to accomplish? The key thing is to be specific.…

Why you are not as productive as you could be?

You can often hear advice on how to become more productive. However, much…

No more useless meetings

It will be a waste of time again. But I can't do anything about it, I have…

Defeating procrastination with better time management

Get the toughest task behind you as soon as you can every day. Everything…

Investment that pays off: Getting rid of digital distractions (2/2)

The previous article explained why even the smallest interruptions are bad.…

Stop being late for meetings

Even being late by as little as 10 minutes will cascade into considerable…

Investment that pays off: Getting rid of digital distractions (1/2)

Say youre working at your computer with your smartphone on the desk. The…

Don't be a slave to your smart phone

Just take a look around when walking down the street or travelling by…

Put an end to procrastination once and for all

Do you have problems with continuously postponing the fulfilment of tasks…

Rejection doesn't have to be rude or awkward

One of the basic rules of assertiveness says that if we disagree with…

Two different faces of failure

Two different faces of failure

Failure isn't always a bad thing. Setbacks are a natural part of life and…

How does a successful working day begin?

The beginning of a working day is critical for how productive we will be…

Listing 79 to 91 out of 212