Your employee gives his notice. What next?


When a member of your team gives you his notice, it may be a relief. Sometimes you will not be surprised because you had already talked with him about his career plans. Sometimes, however, the notice may be a bolt out of the blue. Imagine this scenario. You are completing an important project and a key player suddenly decides to leave. Or even worse, you have been mentoring you successor and now you hold his notice in your hands. How to behave in such a situation? Read the following tips which were published on

Do not take it personally

The employee is probably not leaving because of you. Do not become defensive when he tells you his intention to quit. Rather take a deep breath and remind yourself that employees simply come and go. If you think the reasons behind the notice are personal and feel the need to talk about it, wait until the exit interview.

Do not argue

Just because someone decides to leave you during a major project does not mean that you have the right to berate him or yell at him that you are actually glad that he is leaving. If you are hot tempered, you should have a neutral reaction prepared for such situations, for example: "I'm sorry, May I ask where you are leaving?"

Do not publicly express your relief

Do not express your relief with other employees even privately. You will make them feel that one day you will talk about them in the same way. If you really want to share your relief, do not chose anybody from work.

Do not forbid the employee to talk about giving notice

It is quite likely that some colleagues of his already know. Trying to hide the information would only make you look less trustworthy. Ask your HR department about the steps involved when an employee gives notice. Tell the employee that you will give him more information as soon as you have it.

Do not be insensitive

Never just say, "Well, thank you." You should pleasantly ask him where he is going and congratulate him on the new opportunity. Politely express your regret for losing an excellent team member. Acknowledging his notice is only the first step. Do not leave the employee in the dark about the company policy when giving notice. Tell him what steps he needs to take next.


Article source RecruitLoop Blog - recruitment blog
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