When should phones still be used to make calls?

Mobile phones have now become computers, enabling us to do things that were impossible not so long ago. We can send messages to people from all over the world in real time. If we don't know something, we can just pick up our phones and immediately find the answer on the Internet.

All this improves productivity. On the other hand, these same mobile phones steal our time and reduce our productivity.

In this article, we will not discuss people wasting time by using their phones to play games or solve private issues on social networks. We will focus on the essential function of phones, which has recently been somewhat forgotten - making phone calls.

Instead of making calls, which is the primary purpose of phones. people are increasingly making excuses that they dislike calling or are even afraid to do so. Sending a message is much simpler, but only sometimes more effective.

Some issues can still best be solved by phone. If you try solving them using text messages or social networking, you would only waste time and in the end have to call anyway.

So when should you stop wasting your time with other forms of communication and instead make a phone call?


The Time Management Ninja server highlighted the following cases when it is most appropriate and also most productive to call.

1. Clear message

If you are to give someone exact instructions on how to do something, it is more appropriate to explain it verbally. Written communication can be confusing. The same applies to issues that involve emotions.

2. Personal issues

Whatever you write and send to someone, you can never be sure that it will not become a public matter. There is, of course, also the risk that your message will not be properly understood. Personal and particularly sensitive matters should be always addressed by phone.

3. Urgent matters

If something needs to be addressed immediately or you have something important to tell others, make a phone call. No one will appreciate your sending a message five minutes before the start of a non-scheduled meeting. They will simply not notice it.

4. Criticism and other negative messages

You should not express anything negative in writing. Recipients can't decode the tone of the message or your good intentions from the text. This is only possible in a personal conversation.

5. Too much writing

Do not waste time writing long messages when it is much quicker and easier to call and deliver the message verbally. When talking to someone in person, you can also better tell that they understand you.


Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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