What not to say in a presentation


The purpose of this presentation is ... Imagine that ... Thank you. These are examples of typical phrases that should not be omitted from any presentation. You surely know that choosing the right words is essential in public speaking. Therefore, you should also know the phrases that should not be  used in presentations. According to businessinsider.com,  avoid the following five phrases.

1. I am sorry.

Imagine a situation where somebody from your audience asks whether you could return to a previous point, or whether you could talk louder. At such times, we tend to apologize, which only unnecessarily undermines our authority. You should rather say, "Of course, with pleasure." Do not apologize for small mistakes as they draw the audience's attention to mistakes they may not have even noticed.

2. I could not prepare as well as I would like.

This can happen. But do you really think that your audience wants to hear about it? Do the best you can do in any given situation and prepare better next time.

3. I am exhausted.

Another fact that your audience does not care about. It does not matter if you are tired because of a long journey or because you caught a cold, do not point it out. Just do your best.

4. I have already said that.

When a listener asks about something you have already talked about, avoid phrases such as: "Weren't you listening to me?". Do not get defensive, respond politely. Your audience should never feel humiliated or embarrassed.

5. I feel nervous.

Every speaker is a little nervous. Try to use your nervousness positively. You should learn how to manage it, do not try to eliminate it.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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