Small steps to greater productivity


Are you thinking about all the things you don't have enough time to do? Then it is no wonder that you feel unproductive. Why don't you try it differently and focus on all the things you can manage? Notice your small wins and reward for reaching them. It will help you keep your optimism and achieve great things. That is the recommendation Craig Jarrow alias Time Management Ninja has published in another article on his blog focused on time management. He described ten "small productivity wins" you should celebrate. Choosing your reward is up to you.

1. Completing a task before its deadline - It is not important how big the task is.

2. Early arrival for a meeting - Reward yourself for the fact that did not have to run at the last minute as usual.

3. Functional to-do list - If your to-do list recommends you the remaining tasks, than it is doing a good job for you.

4. Early departure from work - This does not happen very often, is it? That is why it is worth celebrating.

5. Empty mail box - Sorting out your e-mails will be a great relief.

6. Meeting the most important tasks - When your to-do list include only the less important things, it's time to slow down and recharge your batteries.

7. Good memory - You did not have to waste time searching for a certain thing because you found it where you had originally left it.

8. Contacts at hand - Not everyone can quickly find contacts when needed. If you can, take it as a success.

9. Finding information quickly - Taking notes on important things is good, but it is even better to be able to find them even after a long time.

10. Time to relax - If you have time to relax, enjoy it.


Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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