Six personal challenges that will significantly change your life

If you have the feeling that every day is the same, that you are stagnating and losing the desire to do anything, maybe it is time to make changes in your life. If you don't know where to start, here are some ideas to try.


1. Set up a morning routine

Many people struggle to find ways to start their day feeling motivated to exercise and do other activities. They often feel tired before even getting out of bed. It is important to start gradually when changing habits. Take it step by step until you can keep up with your daily schedule. This way, the morning routine will not become a chore and you will enjoy every part of the change process. For starters, you might decide that before even looking at the computer, you will have a good breakfast, walk the dog or, for example, do some physical exercise.

2. Confirm the correctness of your choices

An excellent way to encourage change and growth is to reflect on and appreciate your progress so far. Many people are able to make changes in their lives but, due to a lack of appreciation of even a minor shift, they lose motivation. Change comes through positive situations, and engaging in positive affirmations can help you feel happier and more confident. For this challenge, you could try sticking self-adhesive papers with notes somewhere in the home where you can see them. Repeating your positive confirmations every day will help you better instil them.

3. Clean up

Maintaining cleanliness and order in your personal and work space certainly requires energy and time but it will pay off. Mess has an adverse effect on productivity. Divide the challenge into smaller goals. For example, you can start by saying you will take out the rubbish every day. Or clean your entire desk every day after work so you won't enter a cluttered space the day after. At the end of the day, the more organised your personal space is, the more productive and positive you will feel.

4. Read at least one book each month

Reading books can really improve your life. They can help you find a productive way to spend time, offer you knowledge, as well as help expand your vocabulary and way of thinking. Fortunately, technology has made this challenge much easier: thanks to various services, you have access to thousands of audiobooks. By listening to a chapter while driving to work or doing your washing, you can easily reach your destination every month.

5. Limit time spent on social networks

Social networks and the Internet in general are highly addictive. Allow yourself plenty of time offline. This may seem like a challenging challenge, so set sub-goals. Start by putting your phone and other devices away every night before bed. Instead, spend time on other activities you enjoy. This will improve your quality of sleep and you will also feel less nervous and less under pressure.

6. Go for walks

If you live a hectic lifestyle, you may find you never have enough time for daily exercise. A walk will help you find time for yourself and your thoughts, allowing you to re-evaluate certain situations and things that bother you, and see them with a clear mind.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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