Seven "NO-NOs" of emotional intelligence


Emotionally intelligent people understand their emotions and the impact of their emotions on the people around them. They are very well aware of their strengths and weaknesses and know how to balance their needs with the needs of others. They get along well with others, and they are positive role models and sources of inspiration.

We have already covered the fact that emotional intelligence is one of the basic assumptions of effective interpersonal communication and career success some time ago when we summarized the 6 steps to higher emotional intelligence. Today, again with the help of, let's focus on what emotionally intelligent people don't do.

There are not hot-heads

They can manage their responses to emotion triggers proactively. That means they do not make important decisions when they are angry, hurt or scared. Before making decisions, they prepare themselves mentally first.

They don't avoid new things and people

They are open to the ideas and opinions of others and are not afraid to change their views based on new information. They like to use new opportunities and meet new people. They can accept the fact that they do not have to be always right.

They are more concerned about others than themselves

They have a high degree of empathy. They view the world from a broader perspective than just their own. They are able to forgive both themselves and others. They are not jealous of others' success, they celebrate with them.

They don't blame others

They can take responsibility for their emotions and do not blame any external powers. They know why they feel how they feel, and why they react as they react. They don't lie to themselves, and they focus on how to change their reactions. This helps them build better relationships with others and achieve higher overall satisfaction.

They do not enjoy negativity

They are masters of verbal as well as non-verbal communication. They can listen and thus manage conflicts better. They do not engage in any games and manipulations such as shouting, door slamming or keeping silent to induce fear or guilt.

They do not dwell in the past

They understand that the past can't be changed and the only thing they can do is to learn from it. They do not sink in feelings of bitterness and disappointment. If they made a mistake which affected other people, they know how to apologize.

They do not forget the facts

They are sincerely concerned about their own feelings as well as the feelings of others, and are willing to talk about feelings. At the same time, however, they are also aware that feelings are not facts. When dealing with different situations, they combine a logical assessment of the situation with an understanding of their own emotions.

What's your level of emotional intelligence? If you still have a lot to learn, do not despair. You can find an opportunity to learn every day. Moreover, EQ naturally grows with age without you even consciously working on it.


Article source Lifehack - tips to help improve all aspects of your life
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6 steps to higher emotional intelligence


Seven "NO-NOs" of emotional intelligence