Seven deadly sins of a leader


Pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and laziness. These are concepts known in the Christian tradition as the seven major, the so-called deadly, sins. In the figurative meaning, the concept of the seven deadly sins is being used in almost all fields of human activity including management. A recent article on the Sales HQ website, for example, reminded very pointedly of the seven deadly sins of leadership. What are the sins?

1. Inaction

A leader who wants to show direction can't be passive. He must be active and assertive but not aggressive.

2. Irresponsibility

A leader must be able to take responsibility not only for his own activities but also for the activities of his people.

3. Failure to think

A real leader thinks about the broader context of his ideas and decisions.

4. Hypocrisy

The real leader is genuine. He doesn't pretend to be someone else than himself.

5. Hunger for success

A leader should share not only the workload but also success with his people. He should understand that they needed to hear acknowledgement.

6. Laziness

A real leader has a lot of energy. If there is a need to work longer, he works longer. He perceive problems as opportunities and challenges.

7. Inconsistency

A leader determines a goal and a strategy. Then he follows the strategy and decide about any possible changes deliberately, not according to some momentary impulses or moods.


Article source Sales HQ - online community for sales professionals
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