Sales teams management fundamentals

It is not easy to manage salespeople who do not lack self-confidence and whose work lies in the art to influence others' behaviour. It is, however, not impossible. You only need to choose a different approach than in other departments. Basic management techniques for successfully managing sales teams can be found on

1. Speak directly and clearly

Salespeople can easy reveal any manipulation by their superiors. Therefore, deal with them directly and openly.

2. Inquire about their views

When preparing a new policy or campaign always get all team members together and inquire about their opinions and suggestions. As far as the ideas that cannot be used, explain why. You will show respect that way and only then you can expect respect from the other side.

3. Explain news

Do not only announce new things and changes. Explain why they happen and what they will bring to you.

4. Be a team player

Managers responsible for managing sales teams are usually in the middle of corporate hierarchy. As middle managers they must be able to cooperate with both their superiors and subordinates and transmit information from both sides.

5. Access equally to all your people

Do not focus your attention only on the best and the worst sales reps in your team. Leaving others unnoticed creates a negative atmosphere. Therefore, find the time to meet with each team member regardless of performance.

6. Provide positive feedback

Salespeople are motivated primarily by two things - money and recognition. Your financing options may be limited but you have no limits in expressing recognition. Appreciate any improvement.


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