Is your team working remotely? Six tips on maximum efficiency

The current situation is bringing a new wave of remote working. Many employees are on home office and many teams are operating either completely remotely or in hybrid mode. Leading such a team is a challenge in itself, which is why this article looks at some methods you and your team should follow in order to work as efficiently as possible.


Active communication is key

As Management Issues states, communication is key to the success of the whole team and this applies especially when working remotely. Clearly define communication channels, be in active contact with subordinates and ensure they too keep in contact with one another.

Quality time management

Be sure to educate your employees about the necessity of quality time management, which is even more crucial when on home office. In order for an employee to work efficiently, they must divide their working day into blocks, then assign each of the blocks one main activity and focus on it within the given time frame.

Breaks and silent hours

Regular breaks are important when on home office. Consider having "silent hours" in your team, for example between noon and 1 p.m., during which it is forbidden to call or write to another team member.


Videocalls are a good substitute for a face-to-face meeting. Provide your employees with the possibility of using quality software for remote videocalls and organise meetings and social events remotely.

Mental state of team members

When working remotely, you as the manager are less in direct contact with your employees and it is easy to miss the fact a team member is not doing too well in terms of mental health. Devote enough time to individual communication with employees, paying attention to how they are doing and what they are saying.



Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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