How to recognize a poorly hired sales representative?


Each manager of a sales team is mainly interested in whether his subordinates meet the outlined sales volumes. A sales representative who is not able to understand the industry, your selling process and purchasing cycles will, therefore, not stay in your team very long. However, in addition to sales quotas, there are other warning signs to show you a poorly selected sales rep. Matt Heinz, author of an interesting article on, recommends to say goodbye to sales reps with the following problems before they destroy the morale of the whole your team.

1. Defamation of existing or potential customers

Sales reps have many unpleasant experiences with customers. That does, however, not mean that they can talk  about the customers scornfully and do it in public. It is only a matter of time when such a behaviour hurts you back.

2. Praising a previous job to the skies

When a sales rep brings some best practices from his last work to your team, it is a good thing. However, if he constantly repeats how great his last work was, something is wrong.

3. Circumvention of corporate processes

Every organization has its own specific sales process on which its sales rep should base their activities. It does not mean that they can't slightly customize the process according to actual needs, it is, however, necessary to follow the predetermined ground rules.

4. Excuses

Nobody can do well every day, week or month. However, if someone can't do well for a long time and always tells you that it is not his fault, be alert. Accusing customers, your market or your practices makes sense only if the particular sales rep can present specific evidence and alternatives.

5. Humiliation of younger or less experienced colleagues

Such a behaviour can't be neither excused nor tolerated.

6. Overlooking corporate CRM

When a sales rep tells you that he has his own system and you have to believe him, emphasize to him that you don't have to do anything like that. Your CRM system is mandatory for all.

7. Strict observance of working hours

A sales rep who achieves only poor results but always leaves the office right at the last minute of his working hours clearly shows his disinterest.

8. Lack of interest in customers and industry

If your sales rep does not ask questions about the particular industry or a customer's problems and needs and focuses only on selling, you have another problem.

9. Fawning over superiors

A member of your team you meet too often with your superiors or who forwards most of his e-mails to top management makes it clear how much he respects you. Remind him that he must meet his quota in the first place and only then he can dazzle.


Article source CustomerThink - US website focused on customer care
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