How to prevent winter depression


Freezing weather and extended darkness make the winter a period often negatively affecting our mood and work performance. Ignoring the winter blues may, however, lead us to experience a burnout or real depression instead of spring. The CBS News website therefore came up with some practical tips on how to make winter more enjoyable in your workplace.

Actively search for light

The lack of light in winter can lead to the so-called seasonal affective disorder - depression which should be treated with phototherapy in combination with psychotherapy. To avoid this, try to absorb as much light as possible during the day. Go to work on foot, go out for a walk on your lunch break or at least put an extra lamp on your desk.

Add more light into the workplace

If there are no windows in your meeting room, move your meetings somewhere else where there are some windows. If you cannot change the room and you have to spend a long time there, try to secure full-spectrum light.

Think of summer

Surround yourself with objects and information that will help you think about your favorite summer activities - from swimming to gardening.

Go out for lunch

Create a group of colleagues to lunch outside the office together. Go out for a walk purposefully - to absorb light and air and also to strengthen your team cohesion.

Enjoy sports

If you have long been saying to yourself that you should start skiing again, do it. Enjoy cross-country skiing or skating with your family on weekends.


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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