Have you already tried reverse brainstorming?


If you are looking for a way to find more creative ideas than using conventional brainstorming, try reverse brainstorming. This interesting idea-generating technique was described on mindtools.com. The reverse approach  to brainstorming lies in asking two major questions reversely right at the beginning of brainstorming. Instead of asking how you should solve a problem or prevent it, ask how you can cause the problem. Instead of asking how to achieve a certain result, ask yourself how you can achieve just the opposite of the result you want.

5 stages of reverse brainstorming

  1. Clearly define and write down the problem or challenge you are facing.

  2. Reverse the problem by asking these questions: How could you cause this problem? How could you achieve  the exactly opposite result than you want?

  3. Organize a brainstorming session in order to get as many ideas as possible to address the above questions. At this stage, don't refuse any proposal.

  4. Use the suggestions you have gathered for the solution of the reverse problem to formulate proposals for the original problem.

  5. Evaluate the proposals received and select the best solution.

Reverse brainstorming can help teams that are already demotivated after some unsuccessful attempts to solve a problem. However, even if you are beginning to solve a problem for the first time, it can help you find a solution that would otherwise not come to your mind. Give it a try.


Article source MindTools.com - leadership, team management, problem-solving, personal productivity, and team-working skills that you need for a happy and successful career
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