A positive attitude is the best policy


We do not have control over many unpleasant things that happen in our lives. That is why we should not stress about these things. All we can do is to change our approach and try to see the things, events, and people around us in a way to learn the best possible lessons. It may not be easy, but it is definitely worth it. If we can, for example, perceive a failure as a chance to learn something new, we are on the way to success. Try to see the world in a more optimistic light and you will find out that being an eternal pessimist is sad and demotivating.

Our mood is mostly derived from what we experience. If something goes wrong, we automatically feel bad. This approach is, however, quite short-sighted. It only leads to more and more failures. The road to success requires a positive attitude, even when you face problems. It is necessary to break away from external events and deliver positive energy from the inside. Some practical advice on how to keep a positive attitude was published on Inc.com.

Start the whole day positively

Your morning creates your mood for the whole day. That is why you should arrange your morning so that you can start your day on a positive note. Consider whether you should read something motivating instead of listening to negative news. You can also listen to your favourite music on your way to work.

Surround yourself with positive thoughts and people

Collect and write down motivational quotes, then put them around everywhere, from your computer screen to the mirror in your bathroom. Also, watch out for negative people. Try to avoid them as much as possible. If you really have to talk with them, get to the point and avoid their eternal complaints.

Learn to welcome mistakes

You can learn much more from mistakes than from successes. If you do not want to stagnate, you have to take risks which can sometimes lead to mistakes. However, this does not mean that you should not take risks. Learn to perceive mistakes as opportunities to grow instead.

Learn to speak positively

Neuroscience confirms that the words we use to describe our experience tell our brains how to interpret them. Therefore, avoid negative evaluations such as: "That's impossible." or "I can't ...". On the other hand, add more positive statements such as: "Let's do it." When a colleague asks how you are doing, respond with a smile and enthusiasm.

Focus on what you can change

Do not waste energy on lamenting about things you can't change, such as politics or economics. Pay attention to the specific things you can influence. Offer suggestions for improvement in your work and follow the rule of not dealing with personal problems in the workplace.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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