Determine limits and stick to them
It is important to set out limits; it is then equally necessary that these limits be kept - both in the positive and negative sense. If you tolerate one team member's late arrivals at work, the positive atmosphere will disappear.
Allow the employees to think
According to, a good manager should appreciate common sense and motivate employees to come up with their own thoughts and ideas for improvement.
Be patient
This piece of advice is aimed especially at new managers with little leadership experience. It is not possible to change everything all at once. You must be patient, introduce changes gradually and let people get used to the new procedures.
Help employees
It sounds banal but you must not just dictate to people what they should do. Good leaders help team members with their projects; they do not have them just submit reports but become actively involved in the projects themselves.
Have the client as the common goal
Every team should have a common goal towards which it progresses. Ideally, this goal should be the well-being of clients. Make pro-client culture your team policy and motivate team members always to work primarily for their clients.