3 habits that help you to advance your team communication


Your career success largely depends on your work habits. You may start your day with checking e-mails or buying a coffee. You may go to the gym or the swimming pool after work. Whatever you are used to doing ,by adding the following three habits, which server Inc.com published, you will advance your career a step forward.

1) Point out successes of others.

If somebody do something in  really good, it is not enough just to say "well done". Acknowledge it in such a way you can move forward as a team. Highlight the person who went above and beyond. Public recognition is one of the best ways of  validation.

2) Elementary information

Do you send "raw" e-mails full of your thoughts about problems including details, options you have rejected and predictions of what may happen? Then people are probably choking on you communication. Take out 70 percent of this type of content. It is enough to send three clear points important for the recipient.

For example, if you sometimes send emails with links to articles, you assume that the recipient has enough time to read them. But that is probably not true. It is better to add a few sentences that the article reminded you of your last conversation. You understand that the recipient is a busy person. In case he will not find enough time to read it, add a few important points from the article.

3) Hand-written thank you notes

Do you send "thank you" e-mails? No doubt it is a good habit. You can improve it by sending hand-written notes instead of using electronic communication. The recipient will see that you have put some effort into it. Writing by hand means more than just sending an e-mail. Sending an e-mail is too easy and common.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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