New Year's resolutions for young leaders

When you say "New Year's resolutions", most of us envision commitment to exercise more, eat less, achieve a promotion or spend more time with family. Young people from the so-called Generation Y (Millennials) should, however, set another goal - to take their leadership development seriously.

Nobody else but these young people will take over the major leadership responsibilities in companies due to the retirement of the strong generation of Baby Boomers. If you want to be well prepared, let yourself be inspired by the following tips published on Harvard Business Review website.

Find a trusted mentor

Look for someone who will take your development seriously. It should be somebody whom you admire more for his values and character than for his successes.

Set up a group to develop leadership skills

Put together six to eight people who will meet for open discussion of leadership issues.

Offer to volunteer for a public service organization

Charitable activities and providing service for others can help you gain very good leadership skills.

Find a job abroad or at least visit a new country

Global experience is invaluable today since greater and greater degree of cultural sensitivity will be required from leaders.

Ask more

Given the rapid pace of change in today's world you can not know the answers to all questions. It is, however, more and more important to deeply think about and discuss important issues.


Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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